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Privacy policy

 What does "privacy" mean on stora?

We are here to make a qualitative and intellectual shift in various fields, the most important of which is privacy. You will find on this page all the data, types that are collected and kept, and how to use them.

How do we collect your information

We collect your information such as: browser type, "IP" addresses, site usage dates and times, number of clicks on topics and articles, cursor movement without mentioning the collection or saving of your personal information such as your personal name or private phone number. As this contributes to the development and improvement of the site for all pioneers.

Information protection

We have prepared and taken all preventive measures to protect your information, and we have signed professional contracts with special security services in the use of the newsletter, or what is called here as "stora". In addition, our website contains all the required protection certificates of the highest standards.

Information provided to us by you

You can use and benefit from all of the services on the stora site without personally identifiable. We value complete privacy and do not attempt to identify every visitor. But if you decide to contact us or need to, you may be asked to provide us with some personal information such as: name and email. As a precaution, nothing more, your personal information will be fully protected, will not be misused, there will be no unauthorized access, and we will never disclose any personal information.

Transfer and copyright of the stora site

Intellectual property and copyrights belong to the site «stora» and all rights reserved, and here also follows a strict policy: it is not allowed to transfer, return or quote any content of all kinds and any content also related to the site to any other website or even personal blogs or even use in other means Social Media. Only limited quotations such as article titles or some sentences of content are excluded from this, provided that there is an addition of special links in the content and the site "stora" itself, as violating this is a violation of intellectual property rights, which leads to litigation of all kinds according to the cybercrime law followed in the State of Kuwait. And related neighboring countries.

Children's privacy

The site "stora" is available to everyone and we do not target a specific group or segment of the public, and based on our social duty, we advise against leaving children under the age of 13 years old without family supervision or their families while browsing the site.


When you use and browse the stora site, you agree to our privacy policy and to the terms and conditions of our site. The misunderstanding or use of recommendations or instructions on various topics by the pioneers is not responsible for any legal or supervisory responsibility towards the site, so we recommend that you visit this page from time to time to see the latest changes and updates that may occur on this page in general or to the privacy policy In particular. If you have any inquiries or additional questions, you can contact us on the "Contact Us" page or by using our social media channels.

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